Donate To A Veteran

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The United States Institute relies on the altruistic spirit and financial generosity of the American people to help support our Military Veteran’s Bachelor Level APC program. Although we cover the cost of up to 60 Veterans annually, we still need your help. Your valued donations and gifts continue to show your appreciation for the patriotic sacrifices and dedicated service of America’s military men and women by being there to support them wherever they are and whenever they need us. There are thousands of Veterans that need to be recognized for their accomplishments, so any gift you may give is greatly appreciated. Your tax-deductible donation will help to keep our “No cost to the Veteran” Bachelor Level APC program going, now and in the future. The USI is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Educational Public Charity (EIN 80-0362345 ).

All proceeds go toward the administration of the USI and the Foundation for the Civilly Disadvantaged, Inc. Your donation is tax-deductable to the extent the law allows.Our Military Veterans can set themselves apart from others by being recognized for their accomplishments while in service to our country. The knowledge they have gainedhas equipped them with many highly desirable skills and characteristics.  Please help us give our Veterans the credit they earned.


US Marine. Retd-Master of Applied knowledge in Public Housing Administration.

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